Capacity Building and Training
The capacity to transfer technology to the Client and project community levels is of paramount importance to the firm. It is our philosophy to build capacity and train selected members of the client's employees and project community, to the extent possible to enable them run and manage the project. Technology is transferred through effective capacity building campaigns and training. Besides the training component which can be part of the project contract, we strive to train and build technical capacity throughout the course of the project undertaking. We encourage counterpart attachment to our consultants, as well as participation in forums and formal classroom training sessions. All consultants in the team have engaged in training, and understand its importance.
The team has provided a wide range of training; some of the areas covered include water projects, road construction techniques and management for small contractors, labor intensive construction methods and trade skills for small contractors, periodic minor road maintenance work methodology and scheduling, for ministry personnel. It also involve CADD software applications, and engineering systems operations, related to analysis, design, draughting, planning, recording and project management, operations and applications of the World Bank's HDM-III program, work-shop on project planning and offices procedures for road projects, operations and maintenance of surveying equipment i.e. total stations are also covered.